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Home Sweet Home Alone (2021) 🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

Certified trash. This movie has all the appeal of week old milk. Put it in the bin. It has no charm, no sense of comedy, and is so flawed at the basic level of story telling that I can’t even finish the metaphor

Whoever wrote this movie doesn’t understand why people liked home alone and doesn’t understand storytelling. The movie is so slow, the hi-jinks were what felt like ten minutes? But by the time we get robbers being pranked (bro) we’re rooting for them not the kid.

See in home alone, Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern are legit bad dudes. So you’re rooting for poor forgotten Kevin. In this movie, everyone is just a dope. And we’re supposed to go “ha ha dope got hurt ha ha” The only thing you’re rooting for in this movie is the credits

I don’t know how this movie got such a decent cast but at the same time none of em are A listers. And you can see why. Anyone reading this script should have said no thank you (until they saw the check)

No charm, awful storytelling, and a really dumb “twist” at the end. Bad cinematography too, no jingle bell rock, there is nothing I can point to and say “at least there’s that” Just… awful. Awful. #HomeSweetHomeAlone

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Dec 19, 2022

*pretends to be shocked*

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