LA Noire is a unique game that did full motion capture before any one else that still holds up 12 years later thanks to a strong and captivating story. Although it stumbled towards the finish line, LA Noire is still a strong game with a great premise
My play experience was a bit of a roller coaster with the game going steadily up and up as the cases get more interesting. But the decline comes fast halfway through the murder desk (maybe it’s because we solved the over arching mystery pretty quick?) …
The latter cases felt tedious after that. And then Vice is just the worst. But we pick back up for arson and the game sucks you in to a satisfying story conclusion… But the game play at this part is eeehhh as we often find ourselves in ridiculously large shootouts.
And without spoiling but LA Noire left me with a very sour taste in the mouth. However. Despite this. It’s awfully good. Fun and unique, I would love a return to the series to see what can be done with modern tech. Badge 1247 signing off