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Licorice Pizza (2021) 🌽🌽🌽

A charming nostalgia trip, Licorice Pizza is a well acted, well directed movie with its charm and heart, but lacking in a captivating plot and a questionable decision that clouds the whole movie for me

I’ll start with the biggest positive. Alana Haim is the shining star of this movie. Her performance as our woman lead was the most enjoyable aspect of this movie. She felt like the most grounding presence in a movie that needed to be a little more grounded

The negative. While Cooper Hoffman did a pretty good job in the role, his character has got to be the least convincing 15 year old I’ve seen in a movie. At no point did his character feel like a high school sophomore. And it made the whole movie feel off

Shout out to Bradley Cooper’s brief role. By far the best sidebar of this movie we’re his parts. And it was just the right amount of his character too. Not too much.

Overall, this offering from Paul Thomas Anderson is certainly not his strongest. But the movie does have redeeming qualities, and has a lot of positives. Beautifully shot, wonderful sound track, and well acted. The story was just a bit locking for this corn critic.

Oh and I can’t not mention… The leading male character is 15 The leading woman character is 25 And it just sets a real sour note that I couldn’t shake. And the way the character was written and how the actor looks, could have easily not made him a high schooler or if you wanna keep how they met the same, make him an 18 year old senior I mean we never go back to the high school, we don’t address the age difference. It just sits so wrong.

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