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Living (2022)🌽🌽🌽🍿

Living is a fine piece of British cinema that will tug at your heart strings thanks to a moving performance by acting veteran Bull Nighy and the lively Aimee Lou Wood

Living is an adaptation of the 1952 Japanese film “Ikiru” by director Oliver Hermanus and writer Kazuo Ishiguro. A post-war period piece British drama, we follow Mr. Williams (Bill Nighy) as he breaks his humdrum routine in light of bad news.

The message of this film is one we’ve seen many times about enjoying life while we still have life to live, but for my mostly American readers, this is a nice view into British style film and it’s a very nice and tidy movie with good pacing and simple, down to earth events.

Bill Nighy plays the perfect elderly gentleman and the supporting cast around him fits their roles to a T. Living is a good movie that is definitely worth the watch.

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