A dark Irish comedy taking place during the Irish Civil War, Banshees of Inisherin is a metaphor for said war shown through the rapidly escalating row between Padraic and Colm
It’s honestly not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s certainly mine. The movie starts light enough but then just gets and dark and dreary. Which does not make a movie bad, random tomato commenters.
This movie deserves to be nominated for awards it’s up for, especially all the acting nominations. Collin Farrell and Kerry Condon stand out the most to me but Brendon Gleason and Barry Keoghan are phenomenal
This movie is so wonderfully written, the cinematography is spot on and the location is just stunning. Banshees is an actor driven small scale story that delivers
Definitely read further into this movie to decide if it’s your type of movie because it genuinely deserves the nominations and recognition