The Batman is dark, gritty, greasy and darn near perfect. From the intriguing connected plot lines tying in classic Batman characters, to stunning cinematography, The Batman is a return to form for the Caped Crusader that we needed and deserved
Robert Pattinson proves to be the right choice for the bleak and brooding Bruce and Bat. The casting overall for this film proved to be absolutely spot on. Zoe Kravits, Colin Ferrel, Paul Danonand Jeffery Wright all deserve shouts. Needed more Andy Serkisp though.
And John Turturro elevates every production. I audibly got excited when I heard his voice. Underappreciated actor.
With a runtime of 3 hours you’re in for a haul, but The Batman almost, aallllmost, doesn’t have any wasted minutes. The story is gripping enough to keep viewers engaged for the entire runtime. The action scenes are brilliant, including one of the better car chase scenes I’ve seen.
I am intrigued to see how the other DC movies are after this much needed shot in the arm for the DCEU. Did DC play their best card too soon? Or will the others live up to the new expectations? Time will tell. But in the meantime, The Batman delivers.