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Twilight Eclipse (2010) 🌽🍿

Writer's picture: Dave CobbDave Cobb

Another entry in the twilight series, this middle child might be the best so far (all middle children are the best I see you) but that doesn’t mean it’s good… or even decent. It’s more of the same dull love triangle that has no real tension…

As Bella never truly sways off team Edward even for a convincing second, and if you thought she might… I have some property I’d like to sell you down in The Bahamas. I just think everyone in this triangle has too many red flags I’m just saying.

The story is a bit disappointing. We have a new villain character introduced who’s raising an army for the old villain but the “army” that makes to the fight is like… eight people? The big battle that saw Wolves and Vamps together had all this build to a really meh conclusion

I mean that fight was my favorite part. Just felt over very quickly after all the character talk of the dangers of a new born “army” But here’s my favorite line.

> "Doesn't he own a shirt?"

Everything kind of slightly improves from the previous movies, but ultimately is still not good. A mediocre build to a disappointing climax, Twilight Eclipse fails to eclipse my standards.

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