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Little Shop of Horrors (1986) 🌽🌽🌽🌽

This movie is an absolute gem and should be added to your Halloween rotation if it’s not already. Great cast, whimsical music, perfect set design, this offbeat musical comedy hits all the right notes

Rick Moranis is the perfect lead for this, playing a Rick Moranis type awkward meek lead. Levi Stubbs singing performance as Audrey II was hands down show-stealing. The only part that misses for me is the talking voice of Ellen Green’s Audrey. It was more irritating than comedic

All the cameos are wonderful but no surprise here as Bill Murray’s steals the show and his scene is the highlight of the whole movie for me. His comedic presence continues to be one of, if not thee best

But this movie is just pure fun. It’s the perfect choice for your Halloween party. It’s fun, the music is good. It’s only a 90 minute run time so it doesn’t drag. Frank Oz crushes this adaptation.

Watch it, sing along, have fun

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