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Twilight (2008) 🌽🍿

I’m sorry my friends… but it’s just as bad as thought it was when my high school girlfriend made me watch it. It’s… not good?

The visual effects are bad, the acting is not great, but I did laugh. I don’t know if the movie makers wanted me to, but I did The baseball scene is the best scene in teenage vampire romance cinema

The acting is very subpar and awkward BUT it is awkward teen romance. So. I don’t know how to grade it. Sometimes it’s toooo much. But also I was a high schooler when this came out and we were cringe as hell. So. Nailed it?

Anyways we here at corn cobb critiques are #TeamCopDad

But just speaking purely as a wannabe film critic, the visual effects were bad in 2008 and bad now. And the stares are certainly something. How many more I got?

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